Value addition is inevitable for growth

Sonia Apondi
3 min readOct 17, 2020


When I joined Lapid Leaders Africa, I did not know what it takes to be a valuable asset in an organization. I was that person who was concerned about completing tasks rather than provide value. Most employees normally stick to their job descriptions and are task-oriented.

Our education system has accustomed us to always seek permission in whatever we do. From the sessions, I have learned that values are things that one believe are important in the way you live and work. They determine one’s priorities and deep down, they probably measure one to tell if their life is on the truck.

Lapid Leaders Africa has changed my perception of values on how I should aim towards spotting gaps at my workplace and provide solutions rather than seek permission from my boss . After a few sessions on growth mindset and value addition, I understood the importance of embracing challenges at my workplace, adapting to new changes in a VUCA world, discovering my true north and have a clear insight on what I would do.

They kept on emphasizing the need for one to understand their capabilities to allow them see opportunities. Being more self-aware enables one to connect dots where there are gaps to survive in a changing work environment or a VUCA (Volatile, uncertain, complex and adaptable) world. An example of where I have managed to adapt in a VUCA world is during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. I am working at home without any supervision and I have learned how to transcribe minutes and reports for the few online meetings we heard with the students we work with.

I know understand what’s valuable to my employer, future customers, my colleagues at the work place and people around me. Due to this, I intend to introduce the concept of Podcast at my place of work. It’s an app that the women and students we work with can use to tell their own transformation stories. The podcast will also be used as an art of storytelling for the non-profit I work for to convince new potential donors to join us on board . Future like-minded organizations that would want to partner with us will be able to tune into the stories to understand our impact and what value they can add by partnering with us.

Indeed, value addition is inevitable for growth in all aspects of our lives be it in our families, businesses, workplace and everything we do. I urge my fellow youths to join Lapid Leaders Africa for an amazing experience of self –discovery, marketplace journey and lead Africa pillar. Lapid has changed my creation mindset, it can change yours to. You can reach out to Lapid Leaders Africa through:

Telephone number- 0794241586

